Knowing Hilumiers

This initiative arises from a widespread problem: large projects do not always know their contributors well -the people who bring them forward every day. And sometimes, among the contributors, we do not even know each other beyond our professional side. Since we have collided at HL – LHC, let’s get to know each other!

Knowing Hilumiers is a transmedia journalism project that aims:

  • To close the gap between people working at HL – LHC
  • To recognise those working today and the former Hilumiers
  • To bring science and humanities together

The project is based on interviews which are made into podcasts and literary profiles. Both pieces are complementary, and through them you can explore the Hilumiers life experiences.


What are their dreams? What do they miss most from their home countries? Where do these Hilumiers find beauty? What would they like to be when they grow up? Find out here!